Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's just a light switch!

There is something in a spare bedroom in my house that drives me absolutely insane.  The light switch plate is crooked.  Michael tried to fix it when he replaced the switch with no luck and now when I am in that room it is the first thing that my eyes go toward.  It has been that way since I first moved into the house, but it just hit me the other day is the reason that it bothers me so much. 

I grew up with two parents whom were extreme perfectionists, the most severe case being my father, who was a photographer.  We had tons of his work hung around the house and every piece was perfectly centered and absolutely straight.  The only tools I really remember my dad messing with were a hammer, a measuring tape and his level.  He would spend hours making sure that every photograph was hung perfectly.  I would stand by his side holding whatever he needed, sometimes even the ladder in which he only would have one foot on while the rest of his body swung around like a monkey.  I was a very nervous child and remember being terrified that he would fall, but as luck would have it he never did.

So the other day I found myself looking at that stupid light switch and getting so irritated when I started to laugh.  It was as if I could hear my dad finding the humor in that damn switch being crooked, and then I had my epiphany, it didn't matter, not even in the slightest.  I have a wonderful family and amazing friends, a roof over my head, even though sometimes I would like to burn my house to the ground, and my health.  Does everything have to be  Life is so short.  I still wouldn't mind if it magically straightened out though ; )

Damn Squirrels!

Two years ago I purchased my first blackberry bush.  It takes two years for them to produce fruit so I thought I would be smart and plant a second bush the following year, then eventually I would get a decent amount of blackberries.  It's a long time investment, so I was delighted in June when I notice my first couple of berries growing.  And right before I went on vacation in the end of June I noticed at least 10 berries which I guessed would be ready when I returned from my trip.  My big surprise was when I got home, not only were they ripe, but they had also already been "sampled."  The damn squirrels had taken a bite out of all but one!  Didn't even bother to eat the whole thing!  Grrrr!  So two years of waiting, this was my only survivor.  Not not even going to go into what they did to my tomatoes! 

Monday, September 26, 2011

"A" for Asher!

Our friends Brad and Kelli are expecting a baby boy this November.  Kelli is doing the baby's room in animals and I really didn't want to do another monkey since I made one not too long ago for Maddox.  Had to be special  : )  So I found this "baby gorilla" pattern and I will be the first to say that mine does not look like the picture or even a gorilla for that matter, but I guess it's the thought that counts.  I adjusted the pattern some and omitted the pole part.
The bib on the other hand was pretty easy and there are several different free patterns for baby bibs online.  For the "A" I made a chain of single crochets and sewed it on to the front of the bib.  The "button" is a small circle that I securely attached for the closure.   
Can't wait to meet you Asher!  Congrats to Brad, Kelli and Kyler!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Spoiled Pups!

Gracie's best friend Chloe's Momma made some Elvis Pupsley's Muffins and was gracious enough to share some with Grace-Face.  Needless to say Gracie went absolutely crazy over these homemade goodies!  Here she is licking her chops.  Thanks for sharing Chloe! 

Thursday, September 1, 2011


So my garden has had a rough year, but fortunately there were some survivors.  The other day I found a tomato and a small handful of green beans ready to be picked. I ended up making a tomato and green bean salad mixed with feta cheese, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar. I blanched the green beans, meaning I put them in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then tossed them into iced water to "shock" them.  This way they aren't raw, but keep their fresh color.