Friday, March 25, 2011

No Lazy Sundays Here!

My Grandpa always had a green thumb, which I unfortunately I did not inherit, but at least I try.  Last year, my garden did okay, but there is of course always room for improvement.  Michael volunteered to build me cold frame box (and idea I stole from Becky) and a raised bed for my "garden." 

I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to construct these two structures.  It took about 10 minutes to measure cut and put together each piece and about 30 minutes to stain them both.  It actually took longer to pick out what wood we needed in the lumber section of Lowe's. The window for the cold frame box was $5 from the Habitat ReStore. 

When we were done, I asked Michael to cut this random piece of lattice the previous owner had left to make a 'temporary' gate (for Gracie and other four legged visitors) until we get the final piece of fence paneling for my gates.  Michael then came up with the brilliant idea to stain and attach the excess piece to my fence behind where my tomato plants will be so that I can attach them to that instead of using stakes. 
My little seedlings are already starting to grow in my mini greenhouse!  My Grandpa would be so proud!  Now only if I can keep them alive!  I still need to plow my little box and fill it with soil, but unfortunately the weather forgot that it was Spring this week.  This entire project cost me about $50, not counting the stain, which I already had from the fence.

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